Summer Scholars Program
Undergraduate scholarship has been identified as a high-impact educational experience. Capital University strives to provide support for undergraduate scholarship through our curriculum, independent study projects, and Honors projects. Gift funds from alumni and friends of the University in the form of the Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship, the Faculty Summer Scholars Fund and the Boyd Fund for Undergraduate Scholarship provide Capital the opportunity to support student scholarship conducted under the mentorship of a Capital University faculty member during the summer term. The experience occurs during a 10-week period. Students are paid a stipend of $3,500 plus a campus housing allowance (both taxable). Faculty mentors receive a stipend of $1,000. Students who need supplies, software, equipment and other items to perform the scholarship activity may apply for up to $1,000 from the Boyd Fund for Undergraduate Scholarship. Note that this is a separate application.
General guidelines and expectations
- All Capital University undergraduate students who are in good academic standing are eligible, although preference is given to current sophomores and juniors. Students who are graduating are not eligible.
- A current, continuing member of the faculty who will be present on campus during the summer must serve as a mentor for the student. Mentors are expected to supervise project development and implementation and to routinely meet with the research student (a minimum of 10 meetings over the course of the project in addition to an orientation session and mid-summer group check-in).
- The student must be in residence on campus for the 10-week research experience, although some students may need to travel off campus to collect data and resources. Typically such trips should not exceed three weeks of the research experience. Trips to collect data and resources should be described in the project proposal, and justification for longer times away from campus should be included. Note university travel restrictions and policies apply.
- Summer Scholars are not permitted to hold jobs or take classes during the term of their research. Summer Scholars are expected to devote a full 10 weeks exclusively to their project.
- Academic, social and cultural experiences will be planned throughout the summer. Summer Scholars are expected to participate in all of these activities. Mentor participation is strongly encouraged. .
- All Summer Scholars are expected to present their work to the Capital community at the end of the summer and at the Symposium on Undergraduate Scholarship the year following completion of the Summer Scholar experience. Each student must also produce a final product that is submitted in electronic form for archiving. The final product is due to the Provost Office by the last day of the Summer Scholar period.
- No academic credit is awarded for the Summer Scholar experience.
- The Summer Scholar program runs after graduation in May to the middle of August each summer. Students are expected to conduct and complete their projects within this period.
- Orientation to the Summer Scholars program will be held at the beginning of the summer term. Both students and mentors are required to attend this orientation.
- Final presentations of Summer Scholars projects will be made at the end of the summer term. All students are required to attend this event and should plan accordingly.
How to apply
- Contact a faculty member to discuss possible research projects and activities.
- Write a proposal that describes the research project and follow the guidelines given below.
- Submit an electronic copy of the proposal by email to This proposal must include the mentor’s and department chair’s signatures or approval to indicate support for the proposal.
Proposal Guidelines
To be considered for funding your proposal must include the following information:
Cover Sheet
Please include the following items on the first page of your proposal.
- Title of the project
- Your name
- Your email address and phone number
- Mailing address
- Date of birth
- Your major
- Your anticipated year of graduation
- Faculty mentor’s name
- Mentor’s departmental/program affiliation
- Student signature
- Signature of faculty mentor
- Signature of department chair
Description of the proposed project
This section (not more than 2 pages) should include the objectives or goals of the project, the question of interest, the scientific/scholarly context or background, methods, techniques, or activities used in the project, and expected outcomes. A description of the final product (e.g., research paper, theory/policy analysis paper, creative work, business/marketing plan, etc.) should be included. The roles and obligations of the student and mentor should be described. A brief description of the student’s past research or relevant experience should also be included.
Supporting Materials
- Literature Cited or Bibliography. Use a citation format appropriate for your discipline.
- Dissemination Plan. Describe possible publications and/or presentations at scholarly meetings that are likely to result from the project.
- Timeline. Must cover a 10-week period during the summer and should include a weekly schedule of activities to be completed.
- Travel/Trips. Describe any trips planned to collect data or samples.
- IRB Proposal. Projects that involve collection of human data must receive IRB approval before data collection begins.
It is helpful to the review committee if you present the information in the format and order described and clearly label each section of your application.
Samples of successful Summer Scholars proposals
Below are links to previously accepted Summer Scholars Proposals. These are provided to give you a sense of what is expected.
Need more information?
Please email